1. The video is not playing:
Update your web browser to the latest version and try to run the online version again. - Make sure you have a working internet connection.
Not sure how to do it? click here
2. The video is not playing after downloading to disk:
Make sure you have a player that contains the codecs required to play the video; we recommend downloading VLC Media Player, a free program - check if the entire file has been downloaded; if the internet connection was interrupted and the full file was not saved, such a video cannot be played
3. Problem with playing the video on other devices (e.g. TV):
Our videos are saved in the .mp4 extension, which is suitable for most modern devices. Please check your equipment requirements.
Example: Your TV needs an .avi extension. Please go on the website www.google.com and type “free mp4 to avi converter”. Find a website with a free conversion tool and change the file extension.
These are some examples of free converters:
- for large video files: click here
- for small and medium-sized video files: click here