Video delivery time

Your video will be sent to your email even within 2 hours after placing the order, depending on the selected delivery option. This applies to online payments. In the case of traditional bank transfers, the time might be extended to 7 working days.

Available options:

  • Standard Delivery: up to 24h
  • Express Delivery: up to 6h
  • Super Express Delivery: up to 2h

After this time period, check your email or log into your account. If you still cannot find the link to the video, follow the following steps:
a) Check the provided email address – the order confirmation allows you to see the delivery details you entered
b) Is your email correct? ­ Look up “video from Santa” in your inbox; some post domains transfer our messages directly to the spam or advertising folders
c) If you still cannot see our video message, let us know - send an email via contact form.



Please check your SPAM or Advertising Offers folders at your e-mail account. Our e-mails are sometimes directed straight to those folders. Type "video from Santa Claus" in the email search bar to speed up the search for our message. Once the video is generated, you can edit it for free. You just need to log in to your "Client Account". Our videos do not contain subtitles. Unfortunately, we do not provide such a service. All our videos are in .mp4 format. If you need a different format, enter “free video converter +mp4 to” in Google.

These are some examples of free converters: